A top-3 tips in getting great results by engaging your team

Previously, I made my opinion regarding teams very clear. Your staff will have the answer to any problem that occurs in your daily routine. They will also be able to see not only the problem, but tackle it too. Most of all, they will be able to look for the opportunity coming from that problem! So what is your task as a manager?
In my opinion, the answer is simple: your sole responsibility as a manager is to engage your team members. How to do that? That might be less simple…I have learned that the hard way. Here is my top 3 in tips in how to engage your team.
1. Don’t copy your role model
You probably had a manager in your career that is a role model to you. I have a couple, to which I owe a great deal. Don’t think because you have learned so much from them, that copying their attitude will get you the same results as they did managing you! You know why? These managers have been that good, because they adjusted their managerial skills to the generations they were managing. Meaning, if you copy their management skills, they won’t be fit for the younger generation you manage!
I will give you an example. When I first came in the current AccorHotels I manage; ibis Rotterdam City Centre, all eyes were on me and my team. What I did? I was focussing first on the process and on the KPI’s that were set. Result? My team members questioned a lot of my decisions, because they felt they had a better solution. I never even considered consulting them in my goals! Reaching the goals was my task…right? What I forgot is that this generation in very used to debating and co-creating. So start use it! If this works in 10 years’ time? I don’t know.
2. Have an open mind, open heart and open will
This brings me to my next point. In order to keep adjusting to new generations and cultures, you have to be flexible.
Last year AccorHotels gave me the opportunity to develop even more on a personal level by offering a management development program that is based on Otto Sharmers’ Theory U. One of the results of this program is that it opened not only my mind, it opened my heart and will. As a result of the program, I am able to observe and look with an open perspective. Not seeing the problem and the end solution, but seeing the potential.
Don’t be mistaken, heaving an open mind is so much more than not judging! It means to have very unorthodox experiences, without commenting on it.
“Just have the experience…see what new potential is opening up!”
If you can manage that, then you will be able adjust your style to the person in front of you.
3. Manage at distance and inspire face to face
I am what you call a “busy bee”. I am away a lot. Do the results of the suffer? No! Because I believe everything can be managed at a distance. The only thing you cannot do at a distance is giving attention to your employees and be an inspiration to them.
Now, I know that it might be difficult from time to time, to lay all responsibility in the hands of your employees. But trust them! They will do the same thing with your budget as they would do with their own. It might even be that they perform better, then they would handling their personal budget.
The only thing you need to do, in order to enable them to be engaged, is to give them genuine attention. Even when your overflowing e-mailbox is luring you to your office…make time. I have coached every single manager in my team personally, every month, inspiring them to do the same with their employees. I haven’t been cutting down on their training at all. On the contrary, I have spent +2,5% last year on trainings compared to budget. Our result? +26% EBIT in the 2nd year of the opening, I rest my case!
I think my point is clear. Your team needs you to be their leader! Not their manager!
So go and be the best version of a leader you can be!
5 January 2017