The company culture…

Company culture,
In my opinion is the most important part of the business, if the culture has been set correctly, so the beliefs of the people, philosophy of the founders, character of the industry, structure of the industry, activities of the business are melted in the way of thinking of the most important asset of the companies, human beings, there is not much a benchmark that you cannot hit or overrule.
Of course, it is in the mind, intelligence, and the soul of the business that time passes, people come and go, products get older, or competitive arise, if the culture of the company set to give people room in, job enlargement, enrichment, empowerment, rotation and especially job sharing, there is not much stopping you.
Once you have set up a team that does this, has a leader to be able to take risks to give space for honesty, discussions, learning from anyone as long as it makes sense, freedom in the organization, that very leader will create many many more and trust me, even better leaders.
Cherish the culture of the companies above everything to build better futures.
That’s my Saturday message for you, the once who is interested to it.